What is J&R Home Watch?
Our mission is to help provide homeowners with peace of mind, knowing we are their "eyes on their property."
J&R Home Watch is a regularly scheduled visual inspection of the interior and/or exterior of a home or property looking for obvious issues. Immediately after the visual inspection has occurred, a report is produced with time & date stamped pictures and descriptions that is emailed to the homeowner.
In the event there is an issue that requires immediate attention, the homeowner will be contacted immediately. This service provides “eyes on the property” for distant homeowners, rental property owners, snowbirds and the like.
All photos and reports are date and time stamped so homeowners have peace of mind, knowing that their home is being looked after.
What are we looking for during a visual home watch inspection?
Evidence of break-ins, vandalism or squatters
Security of the home, doors locked, etc.
Evidence of water leaks or water damage
Wind and tree damage
Utilities in working order
Landscaping / housekeeping / pool maintenance being performed regularly
Evidence of critter or pest infestation
Gutter debris
Loose or missing shingles (visible from the ground)
Much more!
Retained Services
Home Watch services are designed to be performed on a regular basis. It is recommended to have a visual inspection every week. These services are obtained on a retainer fee billed monthly or annually.
À la carte Services
Any of our services can be obtained on an as needed basis without a retainer through à la carte pricing.
Storm Services
Scheduling two visual inspections, one before and one after
a storm could prove valuable if storm damage occurs. Storm shutter installation and removal is also available.
Meet The Team
About Us
Our mission is to help provide homeowners with peace of mind, knowing there are "eyes on their property." We will alert the homeowner of obvious issues as a result of a variety of regularly scheduled visual inspections. Written reports with date and time stamped photos are included to reassure homeowners about the condition of their properties.
"We treat your home like it's our own!"
We Are:
Known for our integrity
Doing the right thing when no one is watching defines J&R Home Watch, LLC. Our reputation is paramount and we strive to earn the confidence and respect of every customer. These values are reflected in our mission. Confidentiality is of utmost importance to us and no private information will be shared outside of our company.
Competent & Experienced
J&R Home Watch is accredited through the National Home Watch Association (NHWA). Being an accredited and certified NHWA Home Watch Business means that we have successfully passed background checks and completed rigorous NHWA training. As members of the NHWA, we are bonded and insured, and committed to continuing education, and adhering to the NHWA code of ethics.
Accredited and Certified
We have completed certification training through the National Home Watch Association (NHWA) and have fully met all the qualifications to become an Accredited Business through NHWA. To learn more, please watch the video below explaining why you should only hire an Accredited Home Watch Business.

Certification #05230304

Certification #05230303